Singapore Presidential Election 2023: Election Day is September 1; Nomination Day is August 22

Singapore Presidential Election 2023. If more than one candidate is eligible to run for president, Singaporeans will cast ballots on September 1. On Nomination Day, which is on August 22, they will learn if they get to cast a ballot or if the election is a walkover.

All presidential candidates must be screened by the Presidential Elections Committee, who must then notify them of its choice by the day before Nomination Day.

Singapore Presidential Election 2023
Singapore Presidential Election 2023

Singapore Presidential Election 2023: Election Countdown

Aug 11Writ of Election issued
Aug 17The deadline for candidates to submit their applications for a community certificate and a certificate of eligibility
Aug 18Candidate application deadline for political contributions certificates
Aug 21Before Nomination Day, candidates will be informed of the results of their applications.
Aug 22Election Day. At the People’s Association offices at 9 King George’s Avenue, candidates can submit their nomination papers. Each must put down a $40,500 deposit. If there is just one contender, they will be proclaimed the winner.
Aug 22 to Aug 30Campaign period
Aug 31Cooling-off Day
Sept 1Polling Day, a Public Holiday

On Nomination Day, if there is only one qualified contender, that person will be sworn in as president. The Elections Department (ELD) provided more information in a news statement on Friday, noting that Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong has issued the Writ of Election.

Election Day will be recognized as a national holiday.

“The President stands as a symbol of our unity and goals and represents all Singaporeans. Each applicant should be thoroughly evaluated after hearing what they have to say. I really hope everyone casts their votes intelligently for the finest person to fill this crucial position.

Singapore Presidential Election 2023
Candidates for President (from left) include former senior minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, former NTUC Income chief Tan Kin Lian, former GIC investment chief Ng Kok Song, and Entrepreneur George Goh. ST PHOTOS: NG SOR LUAN, GAVIN FOO, CHONG JUN LIANG

There are now four candidates vying for the presidency: former senior minister Tharman Shanmugaratnam, 66; businessman George Goh, 63; ex-chief investment officer of GIC, Ng Kok Song, 75; and ex-head of NTUC Income, Tan Kin Lian, 75.

Halimah Yacob, the current president, has declared that she would not run for re-election. On July 26, Mr. Tharman officially began his presidential campaign. Both Mr. Ng and Mr. Goh filed their paperwork last Friday.

On Friday, Mr. Tan announced his candidacy for president. Candidates must submit applications for both a community certificate and a certificate of eligibility. The deadline for applying for these two certifications is August 17. Applications will end on August 18, and they must also get a political donation certificate from the ELD.

Since June 13, prospective presidential candidates have been able to pick up application materials at the ELD or download them from its website.

Candidates must bring the nomination papers with their signatures, those of their proposer, seconder, and at least four assenters—all of whom must be registered voters—on Nomination Day.

On Nomination Day, between 11 am and noon, the nomination papers and certificates must be presented to the returning officer at the PA headquarters. Candidates can voluntarily say on a form that they will run their campaigns in a manner that is respectable, appropriate, and compatible with the president’s role as the head of state and the emblem of the country.

During the nomination process on Nomination Day, signed undertakings will be posted on the notice board along with the nomination papers and certificates.

Each candidate must submit a deposit of $40,500.

ELD said that aspiring candidates are invited to create their nomination papers using the online tools available on its website.

To assist candidates in verifying that the names of the proposer, seconder, and assenters submitted into the nomination paper are in the most recent Registers of Electors, the candidate services section of the website offers an auto-check option.

The Ministry of Education and Singapore Examinations and Assessment Board (SEAB) announced on Friday that the Teachers’ Day school holiday, which had been set for September 1st, would instead fall on September 11.

This is done to provide schools and students confidence while planning arrangements, regardless of whether polling day is required.

N levels that were scheduled on September 11 will be moved to September 12 and September 20 to provide applicants time to prepare for the exams.

Schools and SEAB will contact all impacted exam applicants to let them know.

These tests consist of hearing comprehension tests in English, Chinese, Malay, and Tamil as well as written examinations in areas including social studies, geography, English literature, and history.

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