PDLegal LLC – Corporate Secretarial Services

4.4/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #319 in category Company Story

PDLegal LLC offers a sophisticated legal practice characterised by exceptional legal services, delivered cost effectively.

Through our separate entity known as PD Nexus Corporate Services Pte Ltd, we offer a comprehensive range of support that encompasses corporate secretarial services, corporate administration and compliance services.

Our main areas of practice

Setting up of an entity

Our experienced team will assist you with setting up the entity which includes the incorporation of private and public companies, registration of a Singapore Branch Office, Representative Office and assisting in the purchase of Offshore companies.

Provision of company secretary and nominee director

ACRA requires all private limited companies to have at least one local resident director on their board of directors.

If a foreign based entity and does not have a local director, we can provide you with a nominee director. This nominee director can act as non-executive director on the board of directors. This way, he/she will not be directly involved in matters including operations, management and finances of the Company. However, he may have the right to examine and review company’s bank statements and financial statements as a part of his/her duties as a trustee.

Drafting of resolutions and filing of statutory returns with ACRA

Filing your Annual Returns can be a somewhat precarious task. In addition, you will have to deal with other issues such as legal compliance. We are able to assist you to make the process of filing your Annual Returns a smooth-sailing one.

Attendance at meetings and drafting of minutes of meetings

Minutes are legal documents that provide a fair synopsis of a company’s meetings. In Singapore, every company, be it a private or public company, is required to keep records of the proceedings of meetings in books (i.e. minute books) within 1 month of the meeting.

Such meetings could include shareholders’ meetings (e.g., Extraordinary General Meetings (EGMs)) and directors’ meetings. These minutes (of the same type of meetings) are bound together and are recorded by the company secretary.

Maintenance of company records

Companies must maintain a proper set of secretarial files and corporate accounts for governance. The company secretary is expected to maintain and update the company’s statutory registers, including the filing of transfer of shares, the electronic filing with the ACRA, maintenance of minutes book, updating of company accounts and annual reports.

Provision of registered office

It is mandated under Section 142(1) of the Companies Act, Cap. 50 for every company to have a local registered office address in Singapore at the point of incorporation.

A registered office address has to fulfil the following criteria:

  • It has to be a place where all communications and notices may be addressed and has to be open and accessible to the public for not less than 3 hours during ordinary business hours on each business day
  • It has to be a physical office address in Singapore
  • It cannot be a P.O. box address

Applications for Work Pass

Hiring companies must be able to prove to the Ministry of Manpower (MOM) that the foreigner’s skills, qualifications and experience are unique/superior and critical for their businesses’ success. Companies must also show that they have made genuine efforts to recruit a Singaporean candidate first, before looking outside the local talent pool. This is in line with the Singapore Government’s enhancement of the work pass eligibility criteria for both candidates and local employers to improve employment opportunities and conditions for locals.

Applications for Permanent Residence and Long-Term Visit Pass

The Permanent Residence and long- Term Visit Pass application process may be complicated and tedious for many applicants. Whether you’re facing a rejection in your application or lacking in certain credentials, our team at SPIC guarantees a personalised approach based on your circumstances.

WHY PD Nexus?

  • Wide range of services delivered cost effectively
  • Experienced team with a result driven approach
  • Bespoke legal advice from PDLegal if required by our clients
  • Full range of corporate secretarial and administrative services

Contact us

1 Coleman Street #08-02
The Adelphi
Singapore 179803

Tel: (65) 6220 0325
Fax: (65) 6220 0392
Email: enquiry@pdlegal.com.sg

PDLegal LLC – Corporate Secretarial Services
PDLegal LLC – Corporate Secretarial Services

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