The Best Cleaning Tips for Stay-at-Home Moms with Little Kids Around

It is no secret that maintaining a spotless home with your children around (especially if you have more than one) can be hard and daunting! As a stay-at-home mom who has to take care of your children all the time, you might lack sleep and energy. Thus you will feel discouraged from cleaning, and end up neglecting these chores, which can quickly result in piles of laundry and toys scattered anywhere.

While it’s undoubtedly challenging to keep a tidy home while raising kids, you can follow these helpful tips that we have curated below to help you manage the chaos!

Stop Postponing Your Cleaning Chores

Instead of postponing all of your tasks, start cleaning up as you go. Wash dishes after each meal, start doing your laundry as scheduled, and clean your little one’s bath toys after they are out of the tub. Do what you want to do immediately, instead of making excuses to do it and end up postponing it for a long time. Staying on top of daily cleaning tasks can help prevent your house chores from becoming overwhelming.

Create a Routine Schedule

Make a list of household chores and decide how often to do them. Establishing a daily, weekly, and monthly cleaning schedule can serve as a guide for what tasks to tackle next. Eliminating the need to constantly think about what to do next.

You might think that this only creates extra hassle for you. But the truth is that creating a cleaning schedule is important for stay-at-home moms because it can help manage household tasks efficiently, reduce stress, and ensure a consistently tidy home while balancing childcare and other responsibilities.

Always Choose a Baby/Kid-Safe Cleaning Products

When you have a little one, it’s even more crucial to be cautious about everything you choose, including the cleaning products for your home. It is important to opt for cleaning products that are safe for babies and kids. Nowadays it is easy to find many organic product recommendations that are affordable. Do keep in mind that although it is baby/kids safe, it is still important to store these products in a secure, child-proof location. 

Declutter Your Home 

Reducing what you have at your home by decluttering is also a great strategy to ensure your home can always look clean and tidy. Regularly identify items in your home that can be discarded or donated. When you start to struggle to let go of the items in your home, just remember this phrase: “Less clutter in home, means less clutter in mind.

Mastering the Art of Organizing

With kids around, decluttering alone isn’t enough to maintain a tidy home. Mastering the art of organization is also essential. It’s important to assign specific places for everything and make a conscious effort to keep items in their designated spots. Utilize empty spaces such as under the bed for storage to keep your home neat and free of clutter.

Effective Toy Management

Have you heard about effective toy management? This is one of the best things you can do to ensure your home stays tidy even though you have a little one running around. It is only natural for kids to scatter toys as they play and quickly move on from one toy to another, leading to potential chaos and clutter. This is where effective toy management comes in handy!

By implementing toy management strategies, such as using bins for storage, and setting limits on the number of toys available at once, you can maintain order and reduce mess. Storing infrequently used toys in bins and rotating them every few months can also help you save money and space. Reducing the need to buy new toys often, as your little one might be excited to play once again with the toys that they have not seen for a long time. 

This approach not only helps keep your home organized but also encourages your child to play more mindfully.

Encourage Kids to Help Out

You should also teach your kids early about the importance of helping with chores. You can start by assigning simple tasks, like putting clothes or toys in a basket. As they grow older, you can involve them in more tasks, like making their beds, folding towels, and doing simple chores like washing dishes. This not only eases your workload, but also helps develop important character traits in your children, such as responsibility, cooperation, and strong work ethic.

These are some of the best cleaning tips that every stay-at-home mother can follow. Hopefully, it can help to make your life easier. But don’t be too hard on yourself if your house still looks a little messy despite your efforts. Remember, messy is different from dirty, and it’s often unavoidable with kids around! 

Occasionally, give yourself a break by hiring cleaning services by Luce SG. Being a mom is challenging, and treating yourself to some help can keep you mentally happy!

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