Actress Xixi Lim talks about her early struggles with accepting her youth

Actress Xixi Lim talks about her early struggles with accepting her youth, sharing that she experienced a significant dip. However, she has since embraced a positive outlook and aims to inspire other plus-sized individuals by becoming a “ray of hope.”

It appears that Xixi faced challenges in embracing her true self, a common struggle even in the glamorous world of showbiz. During a recent episode of Tuesday Report, the 36-year-old openly shared her experience, highlighting the pressures and vulnerabilities that come with the industry’s emphasis on appearance and uniqueness.

Xixi once viewed herself as someone hesitant to venture beyond her comfort zone. Being ridiculed and marginalized for her appearance left her feeling defenseless and wounded.

Her self-esteem reached rock bottom during her secondary school years. “I used to cry whenever people made fun of me. Even simple tasks like using the restroom became daunting; I’d calculate the timing—wait until the bell rings when the bathroom might be crowded? Or ask for permission during class and risk everyone’s attention on me. This inner turmoil was my hidden battle,” she shared.

Actress Xixi Lim talks about her early struggles with accepting her youth

“I used to wish people would treat me as invisible,” she added. Xixi’s aunt, who appeared on Tuesday Report, shares a close bond with her and often encouraged her with empowering words: “Don’t care about how others view you. You need to first look out for yourself and love yourself, then others can love you.”

Reflecting on those challenging times, Xixi admitted, “She didn’t understand what I was saying back then. Perhaps I didn’t try to understand her from another point of view. We really struggled during that period of time,” said her aunt.

Xixi reached a low point where she couldn’t stand herself anymore. It was during this period that she forced herself to confront her reflection in the mirror every day and cultivate self-love.

Gradually, she started stepping out of her comfort zone, initiating small gestures like inviting friends for lunch or joining project groups. When she was welcomed into her classmate’s circle, it marked a pivotal moment for Xixi as she realized, “not everyone hated (her).”

Xixi reflected on her past struggles and shared, “There are two ways I could overcome this challenge. I either have to lose weight, or make sure that more people notice me.” However, she has since embraced her appearance and aims to be a voice for other plus-sized individuals encountering similar difficulties.

“As long as I have some level of fame, my voice will be heard. Then I will be able to fight for other plus-sized girls, so they can lead a more ‘regular’ life,” she expressed. Nonetheless, she is wary of falling into stereotypes. “People would describe me as ‘cute’, and I would be dressed up in the most exaggerated head gear with over-the-top make-up. I used to be okay with that. However, I’ve recently come to think about how much longer I can go on being stereotyped as ‘cute’. That’s one of the difficulties I now face,” admitted Xixi.

“I wish to open more doors, and to become a ray of hope for others.”

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