Thrive Psychology Clinic was founded as an extension to Mind Culture and The School ofPositive Psychology,two of Singapore’s premiere Psychological institutions, as a centre for holistic, innovative, and cutting-edge psychological treatment for individuals from all walks of life.
With a wide range of both novel and conventional services, such as Virtual Reality Therapy, Neurocognitive Therapy, Hypnotherapy, Behavioural Therapy, Psychotherapy & Counselling, Diagnostic Assessments, and Wellness Workshops, we aim to be at the forefront of Singapore’s mental health industry by providing comprehensive mental health support and cultivating mental wellness. We believe in the importance of providing individualised therapeutic methods and proper levels of care, to help improve lives in a holistic manner.
Centrally located at Novena, Singapore, our experienced team of Psychologists, Psychotherapists, Counsellors, and Therapists is also greatly driven by the concerns of today’s children and youth, and believe that all individuals deserve the opportunity to gain access and receive support at any time.
List Of Services:
At Thrive Psychology Clinic, our goal is to help our clients overcome their conditions so that they can thrive in all areas of their life. We strongly believe that there is no one-size-fits-all solution, and we pride ourselves in individualised therapy programmes for all our clients.
When it comes to our children clients, Thrive Psychology Clinic understands just how to keep them engaged in their therapy and treatment plans with fun, interactive, and engaging therapy sessions that don’t only hold their attention, but also instill a mindset that mental health conditions aren’t the end-all-be-all; they’re simply a part of life’s journey.
How We Can Help:

Initial Consultation
We recommend all our first-time clients to undergo an initial consultation with our Psychologists to allow us to better assess their needs before making any recommendations for follow-up assessments or therapy plans.Write the description here.

Behavioural Therapy
Behavioural therapy focuses on correcting negative emotions, behaviors, and thoughts to approach situations in a positive manner. Potentially self-destructive behaviours that are unhealthy can also be corrected, thus helping individuals thrive. Option of home-based therapy service available.

Neurocognitive Therapy
Neurocognitive therapy can help to optimise the brain’s ability to sustain attention and concentration for extended periods of time. Individuals are trained in cognitive areas such as: Attention, Cognitive Flexibility, Working Memory and more.

We strongly believe in helping our clients understand the root of their concerns, in a supportive, respectful and non-judgmental manner.

Hypnotherapy is a remarkably flexible tool for solving mental and physical health problems. Our team of clinical hypnotherapists strive to provide the proper level of care to our clients by accurately diagnosing our client’s issues and designing personalised intervention plans that target these issues effectively.

Virtual Reality Therapy
Virtual reality therapy (VRT) allows individuals to build confidence in overcoming their fears, anxieties and traumas in a safe and controlled virtually-created environment.

Screening & Comprehensive Assessments
We provide full-service diagnostic assessments, developmental assessments, and intellectual assessments at our clinic to help identify a wide range of issues and disorders. A comprehensive assessment is customisable to fit a client’s individual needs.

Art and Music Therapy
These therapies utilise the non-verbal aspects of communication and encourage freedom of creativity to help our clients’ express their thoughts and feelings which they may have difficulty expressing

Animal – Asssisted Therapy
Animal-assisted therapy incorporates the tender lovingness of animals in treatment, to enhance clients’ mental health. At Thrive Psychology Clinic, our services involve a range of animals, from dogs to horses.

Speech Therapy
Speech therapy aims to help clients with speech impediments overcome their verbal and language difficulties, which may be caused by a variety of neurological or developmental conditions.

Customisable Workshops (Psychology)
At our workshops, we introduce new knowledge to participants thereby enhancing their knowledge in a specific area. It can also demonstrate and encourage the practice of actual techniques amongst participants in the workshop.
List of Products:
(Available for purchase in the website)
- Online Workshops: At Thrive Psychology Clinic, we have an inventory of online workshops that are specially curated to suit the various needs of our clients, young and old. With a variety of topics including Stress Management, Positive Self-Talk and Behavioural Therapy, these workshops are carefully designed to provide psychological knowledge and promote mental wellbeing. Complimentary worksheets are also provided with our interactive workshops, allowing participants to complete each workshop at a pace that is suitable to them.
- P.O.W.E.R. in Behavioural Therapy
- Mission Series
- Digital Materials: During a period where there is a mass migration to digital platforms, Thrive Psychology Clinic has worked on creating and designing digital materials/tools to aid parents, educators and practitioners in guiding and teaching their young ones. These materials are specially designed to add value to the guidance/teaching process by introducing conversation starters and utilizing engaging activities.
- Guided Meditation series
- “How-To” series for children
- Support Materials
○ 150 Fun Ideas to Do with Children with Autism
○ 150 Fun Ideas to Do with Your Child
○ 200 Things to Talk About With Your Teenager at Home
○ Shelly & The Magical Wishing Pond (e-Book)
As Seen On Media:
Thrive Psychology Clinic, together with our founders, Mr Stephen Lew and Ms Jeslyn Lim, have made some appearances on various media outlets over the years. You may find us in some of the articles below:
- Brilliant Minds, anxious souls: Top students discuss their fear-of-failure demons after Pisa findings
- Tueetor Chats: With Jeslyn Lim Of Thrive Psychology Clinic
- Singapore business leaders share: How to make the best of your ‘quaran-time’
- Covid-19: MOH recategorises allied health services as essential services during circuit breaker period
- Coronavirus: From losing weight to becoming a plant parent, they developed new good habits during the circuit breaker
Get in Touch
Contact Number: tel:+656962 9753
Email (General Enquiries)
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