4.4/10 (Expert Score)
Product is rated as #82 in category Company Story

Premium Eyecare not only sells spectacle frames of the highest quality from Europe and Japan, we also emphasize eye care for our clients. Your eyes are the windows to the world. Maintaining good eye health is one of the most important aspects of achieving a high quality and fruitful lifestyle.

Photo by Livesh Kumar. Instagram handle @liv3sh

Singapore’s rapidly ageing population is uniquely vulnerable to many eye diseases like cataract, glaucoma, diabetic retinopathy and macular degeneration. Unlike other retail optical stores, Premium Eyecare has experienced optometrists trained to use high quality technology and equipment for the assessment of your eye health.

Our optometrists are determined to provide early detection of all eye diseases as well as educate our clients on how to protect and preserve the health of their eyes.


At Premium Eyecare, your eyes are our priority. As we offer a wide range of eye examination services and use various ophthalmic equipment, our optometrists are well trained and experienced in meeting your every visual needs.

Obtaining a pair of comfortable spectacles tailored to suit your lifestyle and need depends on the accuracy of the eye examination and quality of the eyewear. This is easily achieved at Premium Eyecare as our optometrists actively conduct regular reviews with our clients to monitor their vision and eye health. This is exceptionally important for our clients (young adults or young children) who experience a substantial amount of myopia progression.

Photo by Livesh Kumar. Instagram handle @liv3sh


One of the leading causes of blindness in the world is the clouding of the human lens which is called cataract. Ageing is the most common cause of cataract. It can also be caused by diabetes, trauma to the eye, prolonged UV exposure and even smoking.

In Singapore, the number of people affected by cataracts increase as they age. 63.6% of people are affected between the ages of 60 to 64. The formation of cataract can cause glare, blurring of vision, halos at night or discolouration of your vision. These are common signs that warrant an eye check immediately.

It is important to understand that some serious eye conditions can progress undetected because they do not have any symptoms in the early stage of the disease.

One common example is glaucoma. It is known as the “Silent thief of sight”. It accounts for 40% of blindness in Singapore. Patients usually experience poor vision in the late stage of the disease. Damage caused by glaucoma at this stage is irreversible. Therefore, regular eye examinations are essential and are key to prevent permanent vision loss.

Photo by Livesh Kumar. Instagram handle @liv3sh


  • Prescription of spectacles and contact lenses
  • Orthokeratology
  • Comprehensive eye exam
  • Myopia control
  • Specialty contact lens fitting
  • Primary eyecare


1. Orthokeratology (Ortho-K)

Ortho-K (also known as OK lenses) non-surgically corrects one’s vision by using specially designed lenses. The lens gently reshapes the front surface of the eye (cornea), similar to realigning crooked teeth with retainers.

By wearing OK lenses while sleeping, one can enjoy clear vision during the day without the need for glasses or contact lenses.

Ortho-K is suitable for both children and adults. An additional benefit is myopia (near-sightedness, short-sightedness) control for children. Ortho-K is a common option for myopia control and also an alternative to refractive surgery (LASIK) for adults.

2. Spectacles and soft contact lenses that stabilize myopia

3. Comprehensive eye health checks

Eye health checks that include screening for glaucoma (intraocular pressure measurements), slit lamp examination, fundus photography and OCT scan measurements of the retina and macula

4. Speciality contact lenses including multifocal and coloured/ cosmetic contact lenses


Our mission and vision is to provide our clients comfortable and clear vision with the very best quality of fashionable eyewear.

We also provide a one-stop centre for eye health care checks and in addition, myopia control therapy for children and young adults.

Photo by Livesh Kumar. Instagram handle @liv3sh

Nothing provides credibility better than our work and customer’s experience here. So, click the link below to check out our reviews on Facebook.

Visit our website to find out more about us!

Customers can call for appointments through the Appointment Hotline at +65 6970 0511


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