Lingua Technologies International is the OFFICAL SUPPLIER of Translation Services to Singapore Government Agencies

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In late 2017, LTi was invited by the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) to participate in a tender to be part of the Framework agreement for Translation Services for the whole of Singapore government.

After a meticulous round of evaluation, Lingua Technologies International was awarded the contract in early 2018. 

In May 2021, Lingua Technologies International successfully renewed its participation in the Whole-of-Government Period Contract and Framework Agreement for Translation Services.

The aim of the tender is to select qualified translation vendors based on a set of criteria set by MCI in consultation with the National Translation Committee for the purpose of providing improved translation quality procured by government agencies here in Singapore.

The requirement for the tender entails that the vendors have trained translators and vetters in English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil with relevant working experience. These translators and vetters must also be familiar with the language as used in local context, culture and customs.

To be part of this framework, potential translation vendors are evaluated based on the following criteria:

  1. Quality of work submitted. This includes knowledge of local context, accuracy, grammar & style and, last but not least attention to details.
  2. Track record and references (Punctuality, responsiveness, thoroughness and initiative)
  3. Price Competitiveness

Since the award of the tender, Lingua Technologies International has provided translation, vetting and transcription services to the various government agencies such as Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board (TCMPB), Casino Regulatory Authority (CRA), Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC), Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Building and Construction Authority (BCA), National Environment Agency (NEA), Central Narcotics Bureau of Singapore (CNB) and more.

This is an official endorsement of the translation standard and quality that Lingua Technologies International has been delivering for the past two decades.

Lingua Technologies International staunch adherence to global translation standards since it’s inception in 1996 has brought success for the company and its good reputation that has spread beyond the shores of Singapore.

From EN15038, an EU standard for translation process, to ASTM F2575-14, an American standard guide for quality assurance translation to the globally recognised and the latest ISO 17100, an ISO quality standard specifically developed for Translation Companies worldwide, Lingua Technologies International has always been at the forefront of the adoption of such quality standards for translation.

In Singapore, Lingua Technologies International remains the only locally owned translation company with adherence to the ISO 17100 standard.

The successful renewal of the Framework Agreement reaffirms LTI’s continued dedication to providing quality translations and its commitment to servicing government agencies and promoting communication across language barriers within Singapore.

LTI’s involvement with the Whole-of-Government Period Contract and Framework Agreement for Translation Services started in 2018 when the company was first invited to participate in the said Agreement.

LTI’s involvement with the WOG and FA for Translation Services was renewed for another edition. It has proven that it has provided trustworthy and high-quality translation work in the 3rd edition of the Framework Agreement.

Since it was first awarded the tender, LTI has provided translation, reviewing and transcription services to various government agencies such as the Ministry of Communications and Information (MCI) Traditional Chinese Medicine Practitioners Board (TCMPB), Casino Regulatory Authority (CRA), Attorney-General’s Chambers (AGC), Tan Tock Seng Hospital, Building and Construction Authority (BCA), National Environment Agency (NEA), Central Narcotics Bureau of Singapore (CNB) and more.

You can read more in the Press Release here:

Lingua Technologies International is the OFFICAL SUPPLIER of Translation Services to Singapore Government Agencies
Lingua Technologies International is the OFFICAL SUPPLIER of Translation Services to Singapore Government Agencies

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