Gooberr is a local baby brand specialising in lactation cookies, baby accessories and skincare. Founded in 2019 by Chin Rui Shan, Gooberr aims to make mothers’ post-pregnancy lives easier one product at a time.
Here’s the thing: Rui Shan is not a mother herself, so why Gooberr? Let’s dive deeper into Gooberr’s story and find out how they started.
The idea of making lactation cookies was actually inspired by her own mother. Rui Shan’s mother was first diagnosed with breast cancer years ago. The first time she was diagnosed with Stage 1 cancer and was put on oral radiotherapy drugs to keep her stable.
Around 3 years later, they found out her cancer was back through an x-ray that showed water in her lungs. The official diagnosis came in — it was Stage 4 Adenocarcinoma. Cancer has already spread to her lungs, heart and bones. This left her devastated and angry, angry with her cancer aftercare that she went for checkups every 6 months. Why didn’t they catch it sooner? How did they miss it?
Aside from chemotherapy and medicines, Rui Shan and her family started exploring more options for her mother. They talked to different people about how to manage this and what are the steps to take. That’s where they found their mistake — her food intake. She didn’t want to fail again.
She wanted to do better. She wasn’t a mother, but she knows that for all that mothers gave us, they deliver only the best. She wanted to keep her loved ones around as long as she can, and to be able to share her passion with everyone and anyone who is willing to listen. And thus, she set up to offer something for mothers, someplace where she can make a difference. To make mothers’ lives a little bit easier with one product at a time.
That was when the idea of lactation cookies came to her. Mothers tend to forget to take care of themselves as you pour everything you have into nurturing their baby, and that’s where Gooberr comes in. If we took care of the mother’s health first, perhaps we could make a difference there.
Our Products

The Boobkies are essentially your lactation cookies. They come in four flavours: the classic Chocolate Chip, fragrant Earl Grey for tea lovers, tangy Lemon Blueberries, and rich Dark Chocolate Decaf for coffee-lovers. These cookies are eggless and fenugreek-free, packed with galactagogues for nursing mother’s to get that liquid gold pumping!
Boob Juice are our artisanal, small-batch, caffeine-free tea blend. They help to nurse and pump mothers to support their breast milk supply. They come in two flavours: Ginger Fennel for a fenugreek-free option or Fenugreek Bergamot that contains a hint of chamomile to counter potential colic in babies. These blends come in 12 unbleached biodegradable plant-based pyramid tea bags per box.
Skin Stuff is our plant-derived product, specially formulated for sensitive skin. Whether your skin is dry, flakey, itchy, inflamed, irritated, eczema-prone or compromised, we are willing to take that on with our holistic range of skincare products. Bee Calm is formulated with manuka honey. This plant-derived, antibacterial, antifungal powerhouse helps to soothe a variety of inflamed, irritated and itchy skin conditions.
Flake off is a cream rich in antioxidants to repair, hydrate and fortify compromised skins. It protects your skin from dehydration and environmental pollutants, speeding up the healing process for bites, eczema, and itchy skin conditions when layered over Bee Calm. These two products are lab-tested and formulated using Pharmaceutical Grade ingredients in a Singapore-based laboratory.
On top of these products, Gooberr offers cute apparel for a relaxed fit. We also have gifts for mothers who want to share the joy of motherhood and our goodies with our mothers!
No Artificial B.S. or Unnecessary Additives
When we started researching lactation cookies, the competition was fierce. There were all these products on the market claiming different things, overwhelming us with a variety of options. It was too much for us to decide which to buy!
On top of that, where’s the food safety regulatory body? Where are the marketing regulations? Some food products that target mothers are marketed as using Organic ingredients but use artificial flavourings. If chemicals are used in the production of the end product, is it still Organic?
Thus at Gooberr, we are all about sourcing healthy, all-natural ingredients as much as possible in creating superfood products that are not only highly nutritious but taste good too. So when we say no artificial B.S. or unnecessary additives, we mean it. Our promise extends to our skincare range as well. Every skincare range is 100% natural.
For us, every ingredient, and every decision is deliberate. We strongly believe that you and your loved ones deserve only the best, and this applies to all our products. Especially when it comes to cookies and tea for you or your family and friends, we are exceptionally uncompromising because we get you. Our products are also baked and produced at a Singapore Food Agency (SFA) Grade A and Food Safety System Certification (FSSC) Certified Facility. This means all personnel handling Gooberr lactation cookies wear masks, hair nets, gloves and aprons.
Gooberr’s Mission
We know there’s a lot of stress on mothers and sometimes they need more than just support from their family and friends. Support should come from their employers and businesses as well. We should give mothers a safe and comfortable environment where they should be respected. To help these mothers further, we want to continue enhancing our products with our company ethos in mind: only the best for our loved ones”.
Our mission is to help mothers with world domination — just a company in sunny Singapore trying to make some really cool stuff for other humans because we know how hard it can be trying to run the world!
Interested in finding out more about Gooberr? Head over to now!