Decor Fan SEA caters to a wide variety of custom ventilation solutions suited for commercial, residential and industrial projects within the region. It serves as a platform offering the widest variety of mix and match decorative fans for living sanctuaries providing a sweet spot between the functionality of a ceiling fan’s ventilation effect while complementing your individual decor characteristics. In contrast with its peers, this allows Decor Fan SEA to suit specified custom individual’s needs and preference regardless of aesthetics or superior durability performance traits.

Custom Built To Your Needs
Catering to rapidly shifting consumer trends in the interior design industry, The niche of Décor Fan SEA’s ceiling fans lies within its capability of adapting its lean manufacturing processes towards its client’s requirements within commercial and residential, and industrial sectors.
Custom Motor Drive Assembly
Cooperating with both local, and international business networks across the globe, the registered intelligent unibody DC motor drive assembly design system can be modified to fit custom built applications according to its client preference regardless of style, shape or sizing requirements of an energy efficient ceiling fan.
Custom Material Application
In addition, the research and development of its innovative use of materials in Singapore extends towards the application of a mixture of compressed wood, composites and lightweight aluminium for strength and weather resistant durability within its range of decorative ceiling fans. This enables its clients to choose from an ever growing library of hardware choices to fit their space design requirements as according to their preference.
Custom Software Application
With the recent influx of smart home systems influencing the overall user experience control across a global market, the standards of its user experience and control is another area of expertise worthy of mention for Décor Fan SEA. Featuring an open sourced smart ready integrated system, clients can choose their method of connectivity according to their market needs, from popular existing networks such as Bluetooth 4.0 and 2.4GHz wireless wavebands.