Sentosa Deploys 100 Workers to Intensify Beach Clean-Up After Oil Spill

In response to the recent oil spill, Sentosa Development Corporation has mobilized approximately 100 workers to enhance beach cleaning efforts. The intensified clean-up operation commenced on Friday night, following notification of the spill earlier that day.

To manage the impact effectively, Sentosa began cordoning off affected areas of Palawan Beach on Friday evening. The swift action aims to minimize environmental damage and expedite the restoration of the beach.

The oil spill, which originated from a collision at Pasir Panjang Terminal, has necessitated comprehensive clean-up measures across several of Singapore’s coastlines. Sentosa’s commitment to addressing the spill underscores its dedication to maintaining the island’s pristine condition and ensuring the safety and enjoyment of its visitors.

Sentosa Deploys 100 Workers to Intensify Beach Clean-Up After Oil Spill
Sentosa Deploys 100 Workers to Intensify Beach Clean-Up After Oil Spill

The Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) is intensifying its beach cleaning endeavors to restore the shores following a recent oil spill. Emphasizing a commitment to recovery and water quality restoration, SDC stated on Monday (Jun 17) that its foremost priority remains the swift and thorough rehabilitation of the affected beaches.

“We have bolstered our beach cleaning endeavors by collaborating with licensed contractors to aid in the cleaning of the affected beaches as part of a comprehensive government initiative,” SDC mentioned.

As of Sunday afternoon, approximately 100 trained workers equipped with specialized oil containment and recovery equipment were deployed across Sentosa’s beaches. This equipment includes oil booms, vacuum pumps, oil dispersants, skimmers, and absorbent materials, all aimed at preventing further oil spread onto the shore and efficiently cleaning up the spill, according to SDC.

Sentosa Deploys 100 Workers to Intensify Beach Clean-Up After Oil Spill
Sentosa Deploys 100 Workers to Intensify Beach Clean-Up After Oil Spill

“We recognize the significance of our beaches to our guests and residents, and we are working tirelessly to restore them to a safe condition as quickly as possible. We will reopen the beaches for swimming and other sea activities only after ensuring that the waters meet the necessary safety standards.”

Oil residue was first observed along the coastlines of several Singapore beaches on Saturday, following the incident involving the dredger Vox Maxima colliding with the bunker vessel Marine Honour at Pasir Panjang Terminal the day before.

The oil spill incident occurred around 2:20 pm on Friday, resulting in the release of oil from a damaged cargo tank into the surrounding waters. Following notification from the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) around 3:30 pm, the Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) began monitoring the nearby waters for any signs of the oil spill reaching Sentosa’s beaches.

By 9:20 pm that evening, SDC initiated measures to cordon off affected sections of Palawan Beach in preparation for clean-up efforts, which commenced the following morning. By 7 am on Saturday, the spread of the oil spill was visible in the waters, influenced by tidal currents affecting areas such as Palawan, Siloso, Tanjong beaches, and Sentosa Cove.

The Sentosa Development Corporation (SDC) swiftly mobilized its staff to initiate cleanup operations at the affected shores in collaboration with the Maritime and Port Authority (MPA) and other relevant authorities. In response to inquiries about the initial situation upon MPA’s alert, SDC referred to the authority’s press release from Friday regarding the incident.

According to the initial release, the affected cargo tank was promptly isolated, and measures were taken to contain the spill. Oil spill response craft were activated by MPA, PSA, and the bunker vessel company to address the situation, and the cleanup operation was already underway.

SDC also mentioned a joint release by Singapore authorities on Sunday, likely providing updates or additional information about the ongoing cleanup efforts and containment measures following the oil spill incident.

As of now, Sentosa’s beaches are accessible to the public, although certain activities like sea swimming and other water activities are prohibited at Tanjong, Palawan, and Siloso beaches due to the ongoing oil spill cleanup efforts.

In response to the oil spill spreading to various coastlines, beach closures have been extended to include three Singapore islands – St John’s, Lazarus, and Kusu – until further notice. Additionally, sections B to H of East Coast Park, along with the jetty and rocky shore of Labrador Nature Reserve, have remained closed since Saturday.

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